Do you use the Online version? Then this message does not apply to you. We stopped selling the ZooEasy Stand Alone version since last year. From that moment on we only sell the ZooEasy Online version. We have indicated in previous messages that we would stop the helpdesk support on the ZooEasy Stand alone version […]
In previous reports we announced that we are working on a Mean kinship module. With the module Mean kinship you can calculate the relationship of breeding animals with the population. A low relationship of breeding stock to the population is the most effective method of keeping inbreeding in a breed as low as possible. By […]
It can happen to anyone, you have entered an animal two or more times under a different name or number. To keep your list of animals as error-free as possible, you naturally want to prevent this. We have the solution! You can easily check double animals with ZooEasy. This way you avoid having duplicate animals […]
In the Roadmap you have already seen the development “Easily add animals from within the pedigree to quickly enter missing ancestors”. We have completed that functionality and it is operational since last month. You can now add animals via the pedigree. This way you can select missing animals faster and they will be added to […]