ZooEasy is available in the following languages:

Customers 2.469 | Accounts 8.604 | Animals 6.082.123


Release 2.5.25 August 30th, 2021

  • (45) Added the option Replace (and/or Delete) at Base tables
  • (229) Uitslagen volledig en met 1 handeling verwijderen.
  • (728) In the lists for animals and combinations only show the breed tabs for animals that are shown in the animal list. Other breeds will not be shown as tab
  • (736) Manager can change settings of the administration
  • (748) Mean kinship calculation value for trial breeding pair and fictive offspring in trial pedigree*
  • (766) Possibility for the manager to turn off tasks temporarily, like the mean kinship calculation*
  • (767) Renewed pop-ups

The content of the next release has yet to be determined. This will be developed in the next release:

  • (669) Mean kinship calculations per breed (category) which makes it possible for associations with multiple breeds to use the Mean kinship calculations*
  • (747) Limit the population size for the Mean kinship calculation (by maximum age animal, no birth date, castrated, sterilized, etc)*
* Applicable only if the relevant module has been purchased.