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How can I export a pedigree so that another ZooEasy user can import it?

The step-by-step plan is as follows:

Exporting the pedigree of one animal can be done as follows:
1. Click the menu Animals
2. Select an animal from the list
3. Click Pedigree
4. Click the icon Export Pedigree (most left of the three above Great grandparents)

A .zoo file is created which can be opened via the browser. This file contains the following information about an animal and its ancestors:
Registrationnumber, Name, Given name, Color, Breed, Title in front of name, Title after name, Father, Mother, Gender, Born, Deceased, Public remarks, Registered, Non-public remarks

Important: Only data for which the user is authorized to see will be exported.

Exporting a list of pedigrees from multiple animals goes as follows:
1. Click the menu Animals
2. Create a selection of animals using a search function
3. Click … top right on the screen
4. Select Export Pedigrees

A .zoo file is created which can be opened via the browser. This file contains the same data as listed above of all selected animals and their ancestors.

Note: For users who are allowed to work with this, the option More must be checked in their role settings on the Animals menu.
See: How do I create a role for my users? – ZooEasy
Scroll down on the tab Roles, sub-tab Animals to the last option on the right.

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