1. Click the menu Results
2. Click Add
First we’ll add a new show:
3. Fill in the following information:
Click the drop down box next to Category and select Show – Club match
Description: = Spring event
City: = LONDON
Datum: = 01-05-2019
4. Click Save
Now we can add animals to the event.
5. Click Add animal
6. Click the button […] to the right of Animal:
7. Select an animal from the list
8. Click the button […] to the right of Judge 1
9. Select a judge from the list of Contacts
10. Click Save
Now the other details of the result for this animal can be entered, such as scores, and on the various tabs also attachments, photos and comments. We have only defined a single criterion for this example:
11. Click the drop down box Rating and select a score
12. Click on Save
The result of the newly added animal appears in the list. Repeat steps 5 to 12 for any other animals.