ZooEasy is available in the following languages:

Customers 2.469 | Accounts 8.604 | Animals 6.082.123

How do I set up auto-numbering?

The step-by-step plan is as follows:

For Animals and Contacts you can automatically have the Registration number of an animal or the Number of a contact prefilled for new entries:
1. Click the menu Management
2. Click the tab Settings
3. Click in the 1st row on the tab Auto-numbering
4. Select the check mark for Use auto-numbering on RegistrationNo
Until now, when entering the animals, I always put DEMO before the number and chose three digits for the number. 999 animals seems enough for me for now. If I now define DEMO as Prefix and check Use filling zeroes, so that will happen automatically.
5. Enter the following information:
Prefix characters = DEMO-

The registration number field is assigned 5 positions for prefixes and 3 for the number. The field length is therefore 8.
6. Enter the following information:
Maximum field length = 8

7. Select the check mark for Use filling zeroes
8. Click Save
9. Click the menu Animals
10. Click Add
The Registration number field is now filled with a new number based on auto-numbering. If in step 7 a check mark is placed at ‘Use extra form for adding all offspring of a combination with one action’ then, when entering a combination in a separate screen, the option is given to enter the number of offspring to enter. A new record with successive registration numbers is then created in one go for each animal of that combination.

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