ZooEasy is available in the following languages:

Customers 2.469 | Accounts 8.604 | Animals 6.082.123

How do I use the search functionality?

The step-by-step plan is as follows:

The search works in the same manner all throughout the program. This means that as a user you can always:
– Search for one or multiple fields
– Use wildcards like *

As an example we will search within the menu Animals:
1. Click the menu Animals
2. By default the cursor is in the search field for Name
3. Click the drop down menu where Name is shown.

Now you can see all the options, as an example we will search for animals of which the name starts with ch.
4. Put ch* in the search field behind Name and click Search
5. The result will be a list of animals of which the the first two letters of the name are ch

As a second example we will search in the RegistrationNo field for an animal which has the number combination 01 in its registration number.
6. Click the drop down menu and choose RegistrationNo
7. Put *01* in the search field behind RegistrationNo and click Search
8. The result will show a list of animals that have the number combination 01 in their registration number

It is also possible to search multiple fields. As an example we’ll search for all animals with breed Centaur and colour Brown.
9. Click the drop down menu and select Extended search
10. Put a check mark in the box before Number of results
No search criteria have been entered, so the number will be the total amount of animals.

11. Click the drop down for Breed and put a check mark in front of Centaur
12. Click the drop down for Colour and put a check mark in front of Brown
Now the number of results will show only the animals that have the breed Centaur and the colour brown.

13. Click Display search results(s)
Now you will see the animals in a list.

The search results are saved by the program when you click to see the details of an animal.
14. Open the details of an animal from the list
15. Click List
The same search results will be shown again.

The search criteria are also temporarily saved:
16. Click the drop down menu and select Extended search
17. Click the fields next to Breed and Colour
Still the same criteria are selected.

18. Click New Search
A warning is shown in a pop-up

19. Click the button Yes
The choices made in Extended search have now been erased.

20. Click List
We are now back in the list of animals we found, but that’s because we haven’t searched for anything else yet.

21. Click In file or the menu Animals to show the complete list of animals again.

The explanation is meant for the level: Starter

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