Mean kinship is the average relationship of an animal with the entire population. The mean kinship is a reference value for what an animal can contribute to the inbreeding in the future of the breed. Animals with a low mean kinship are genetically important and are advised to use them for breeding to keep inbreeding low. Animals with a higher mean kinship have already left their DNA footprint in the breed.
The use of animals with a high mean kinship creates a higher risk of genetic defects and diseases within a breed. It is important to have enough animals with a low mean kinship available within the population in the future, to ensure a good and healthy breed.
In this video, we will discuss the following options. The starting point is that the module has been purchased and put into use:
1. How can I view the mean kinship of the breeding animals in the list of animals?
2. How can I obtain the mean kinship of a breeding animal and compare it with the mean kinship of the population?
3. How can I obtain the mean kinship of other breeding animals and make trial pedigrees?
Explanation 1: how can I view the mean kinship of the breeding animals in the list of animals?
The setting to show the column MK % can be activated all at once. It will be visible for all the accounts who are authorized to see this percentage.
1. Click the menu Management
2. Click the tab Settings
3. Click the sub tab Columns
4. Scroll down and look for MK %
5. Select the checkmark for MK %
6. Enter the following information: Width = 50
7. Click Save
The column MK % can be moved to another position on the screen as follows:
8. Select MK %
9. Click the up or down arrow to put the columns in the desired location
10. Click Save
Explanation 2: how can I obtain the mean kinship of a breeding animal and compare it with the mean kinship of the population?
ZooEasy does not just show you the mean kinship of an animal, it also shows the mean kinship of the population. This way, you can compare the values directly.
1. Click the menu Animals
2. In this example we select the animal DEMO – 395358
Behind the Mean kinship field, you will see 2 values. The first value is the mean kinship of the animal you selected, the 2nd value between () is the mean kinship of the population.
Explanation 3: how can I obtain the mean kinship of other breeding animals and make trial pedigrees?
With ZooEasy, it is possible to create trial pedigrees with potential crossbreeding selected based on the mean kinship.
1. Click on the Animals menu
2. In this example we select the animal DEMO – 395358
3. Click on the Mean kinship tab
You will see the list of breeding animals, meaning the animals with a mean kinship %. The animals of the opposite sex will be indicated in the list with a symbol. By clicking them, you can create a trial pedigree for the potential breeding.