This can happen if you have inadvertently initiated 2 or more payment orders. Our payment system only accepts payment of the last payment order. If you suspect this is the case, follow the steps below. We will then refund the payment so that you can initiate a new payment. The method is as follows:
1. Contact our helpdesk
You can indicate what the problem is, state the date and the amount that has been transferred and ask us to refund the amount paid. In parallel you can do the following:
2. Click the menu My Subscription
3. Click on the button Cancel to cancel the current renewal order
4. Click the button To extend
5. Choose the extension of your choice
6. Click the button Proceed
7. Enter the requested data on the form, the fields marked with an orange bar are mandatory
8. Click the button Pay
9. Choose the payment method of your choice
10. Follow the payment instructions