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Customers 2.469 | Accounts 8.604 | Animals 6.082.123

If I export data some characters are displayed incorrectly, how can I solve this?

The step-by-step plan is as follows:

The data is exported correctly from ZooEasy. Only Excel does not handle this correctly. It goes wrong when you open the .csv file directly in Excel. You can prevent this by doing the following:

First we check the encoding of the .csv file:
1. Open the .csv file in Notepad
2. Click the menu File and select Save As
3. Click the drop down box Save As and select All Files (*. *)
4. Click the drop down box Encoding
5. Check the shown encoding

For Windows 10 users who have applied update 1903 it should be UTF-8 with BOM and for users of older Windows UTF-8. If there is any other value here, correct it by selecting the correct value from the drop down box.

6. Click Close if nothing has been changed or otherwise Save, if the encoding has been changed, and confirm that the file may be overwritten (or better yet, save the file with the suffix …- UTF8BOM.csv or. ..UTF8.csv)

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