1. Click the menu Reports
2. Click the tab Breeding advisory matrix
3. Click the upper button […]
In a pop-up window all male animals are shown
4. Select the male animals you want to include in the matrix
This can be done in several ways:
* one by one
a. Select a male
b. Click Select Animals
* more than one in one go
a. Click the drop down box Name and select Extended search
b. Click the button […] to the right of Owner
c. Select L. James
d. Click Display search result(s)
e. Click Select animals
* or by a combination of both
5. Click the lower button […]
The pop-up window shows all the female animals.
6. Select the female animals you want to include in the matrix in the same way as you did for the males.
After males and females are chosen the link Display breeding advisory matrix appears at the top of the screen. In case of errors click Clear above the field.
7. We can limit the mumber of generations of ancestors we want to include in the calculation.
a. Click the option Unlimited if you want to include all ancestors
b. or Click the option Limited to and fill in the following information:
Limited to = 3
8. Click Display breeding advisory matrix
The calculation of the relationship percentages of all possible pairs starts now. Be aware that each animal male or female and each added generation of ancestors are defined will double the number of animals included in the calculation and the longer it will take to calculate.
The result can be exported as a csv-file
9. Click Export breeding advisory matrix
10. Save or Open the generated document