1. Click the menu Management
2. Click the tab Accounts
The sub-tab Overview is shown.
3. Click the drop down box Contact category and select the desired Contact category
Under Contact category you can select a contact category for which the reading accounts will be created, for instance Members, or Committee members. For this you must already have created contact categories and the contacts must have been added to this category or categories.
4. Click the drop down box Role and select the role to be assigned to these contacts
Under Role you can select a role from the drop-down menu that you want to assign to this group of contacts. This can be, for example Members, or Committee members. The roles that are shown in this drop-down menu are the roles you have previously created and for which you have specified the account type to be Read-only. Only roles of the type Read-only will be shown in this drop-down menu.
5. Click Create
A count for the number of accounts to be created is executed, after which you are asked if you indeed want to create this number of accounts. If the number of contacts from the selected contact category is more than the number of unused read-only accounts in your administration, you will be notified. Before continuing, you can purchase more read-only accounts to cover for the deficit under the menu My subscription data. Alternatively you can reduce the number of contacts in that contact category. Only after taking action can the reading accounts be created.
6. Click the button Yes if you want to create the stated number of read-only accounts
The read-only accounts are now created for all contacts in the specified contact category. All these contacts will then getting a read-only account with the authorizations of the selected role. After the reading accounts have been created, the (newly added) users from this contact category will receive an E-mail, notifying them that a read-only account has been created for them and how they can login to ZooEasy Online. If a user does not yet have an account for ZooEasy Online and the E-mail address does not yet exist in the administration, the E-mail will also include the User name and Password for this new user. If a user already has access to another administration, he or she will receive an invitation to your administration, but no password will be specified in the E-mail as they can login with their existing login data.
The above procedure only applies to the creation of read-only accounts for a group of users, that must already have been assigned to a contact category.