Every now and again we receive a message from one of our users through our helpdesk that says: “Your program isn’t functioning. I fill in all the fields, click save, but nothing is saved at all!” ZooEasy shows error messages by the use of pop-ups. Some browsers nowadays disable pop-ups as standard. So for our […]
We admit it: Team ZooEasy loves animals and statistics. When we are done for the day taking care of our birds, cuddling our cat or herding our sheep, we plunge into the world of statistics with our software. For instance, we check the speed of certain tasks: how long does it take to complete the […]
“Most people think the zebra finch is a fairly easy bird to breed, but it is not. You have so many options when breeding them; thousands of color combinations are possible. It is a long road to breed a zebra finch with all the characteristics you want,” says Jesse van Es, bird breeder from Woerden. […]