1. Click the menu Contacts 2. Select a contact 3. Click the tab Mutations (scroll to the far right of the row of tabs) All mutations are listed with date, e-mail of the acting user and name of the mutated field. 4. Select a Mutation from the list The upcoming screen shows the old and […]
1. Click the menu Management 2. Click the tab Accounts Here is an overview of numbers for the different types of accounts. 3. Click the tab List Here is an overview of all members. 4. Select a member from the list A screen with membership data opens. 5. Click the Contact data icon, the second […]
The number of animals bred or owned by a contact can be consulted as follows: 1. Click the menu Animals 2. Click the drop down box Name and select Extended search 3. Click the button […] next to Breeder or Owner 4. Search for and select a contact 5. Select the checkmark for Number of […]
1. Click the menu Management 2. Click the tab Base tables 3. Click the arrow of the drop down selection list and choose Contact categories 4. Click Add 5. Fill in the following information: Description=Breeder 6. Click Save 7. Click the menu Contacts 8. Click to select a contact 9. Click the tab Categories 10. […]
1. Click the menu Contacts 2. Choose the contact you want to add an attachment to 3. Click the tab Attachments 4. Click the button Choose file Allowed file types are: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, gif, jpg, jpeg, bmp, tif, txt an pdf. If you try a different file type you will get […]
1. Click the menu Contacts 2. Click Add 3. Fill in the following information. The red stars show which fields are mandatory: Number=001 Initials=D.I.O. Last name=Nysus Address line 1=Forestway 1 Postal code=12345 City: fill in Athens Country: fill in Greece Email: dionysuszooeasyen@gmail.com 4. Click Save