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Tips & tricks: pop-ups in your browser

Tips & tricks: pop-ups in your browser

Date: March 3, 2017

If you start with ZooEasy, you might experience two issues:
1. Nothing happens after clicking a button
2. You have entered all details about an animal, but you can’t save the results.

Recognizable? Then there’s a good chance your browser doesn’t allow pop-ups. ZooEasy works a lot with pop-ups. Many browsers such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox block this. We give you a list of useful links. Look for your browser and click on the link. Here you will read how to permit pop-ups in your browser, so you will have the best ZooEasy experience.

Allow pop-ups in Google Chrome


Do you use ZooEasy on your smartphone or tablet? Then you read here how to allow pop-ups: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95472?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=en-GB&oco=1



Do you use Safari on your iPad or iPhone? Then follow these steps:

1.      Go to Settings
2.      Choose Safari
3.      Choose the tab General
4.      Disable Block pop-ups by turning this off.

Mozilla Firefox


Microsoft Edge


Helpdesk ZooEasy

Do you still experience some trouble ZooEasy after these tips? Please contact our helpdesk, we’re happy to help you. Send us an e-mail or fill in the form.