If you start with ZooEasy, you might experience two issues:
1. Nothing happens after clicking a button
2. You have entered all details about an animal, but you can’t save the results.
Recognizable? Then there’s a good chance your browser doesn’t allow pop-ups. ZooEasy works a lot with pop-ups. Many browsers such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox block this. We give you a list of useful links. Look for your browser and click on the link. Here you will read how to permit pop-ups in your browser, so you will have the best ZooEasy experience.
Do you use ZooEasy on your smartphone or tablet? Then you read here how to allow pop-ups: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95472?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=en-GB&oco=1
Do you use Safari on your iPad or iPhone? Then follow these steps:
1. Go to Settings
2. Choose Safari
3. Choose the tab General
4. Disable Block pop-ups by turning this off.
Do you still experience some trouble ZooEasy after these tips? Please contact our helpdesk, we’re happy to help you. Send us an e-mail or fill in the form.