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Update ZooEasy – Sneak Preview!

Update ZooEasy – Sneak Preview!

Date: August 19, 2017

This monday ZooEasy will receive an update with new functionality. While we dot our i’s you can take a closer look at three of these options.

Add more images

From the update of ZooEasy it will be possible to add more images. There will now be a photo gallery for each animal. You have to choose one picture as default. This will be the one that is used for the pedigree and other reports. This will also be possible for the combinations. So from the update you can add pictures of the happy parents. And if you don’t remember what one of your contacts looks like again? You can now add pictures for you contacts too.



Get better insight in ancestors

(Former) users of ZooEasy Stand Alone are used to having more insight in family relations. Besides the grandparents, parents and children from this update it will be possible to view all the ancestors. Or maybe you want to know who are (half)brothers and sisters. It will also be possible to select and display a specific extra field category. For example, if you have a database with dogs, then you can now get better insights into the HD results.

Non-public remarkt

Non public remarks

For managers of databases with multiple users it will now be possible to register remarks and/or attachments as “non public”. This way you can register certain things that you don’t (yet) want to share with your users. Or maybe you have to verify some information about an animal and you don’t want to forget, you can now put a reminder to yourself there.