1. Click the menu Breeding pairs 2. Click Trial Breeding pair. Since only one set of parents have been added we will choose a fictive breeding pair of mother and son. 3. Click the button […] next to male and select 0003 as father 4. Repeat this for the female with registration number 0002 5. […]
1. Click the menu Breeding pairs 2. Select a breeding pair 3. Click Copy A new screen appears. 4. Select the check mark for the data you want to copy to the new breeding pair 5. Click the button Create copy A copy is made of the breeding pair, any descendants entered from the original […]
1. Click the menu Breeding pairs 2. Click Trial Breeding pair 3. Click the button […] next to Male and select a father 4. Click the button […] next to Female and select a mother 5. Click the button Trial pedigree
In addition to 1 to 1 breeding, ZooEasy offers also the possibility to record broods. This is very common among chicken breeders. The cock is coupled to two or more hens. The father of the offspring is known, but the mother is not. The explanation below explains how ZooEasy can record a brood: As an […]
We are configuring ZooEasy in such a way that it shows only your own breedingpairs in the breeding pair list. For this you must be registered as the owner of the male or female animal of the breeding pair. Then you have to link your account to your contact number: 1. Click the menu Management […]
Under “How do I add a breeding pair?” is also explained how – after entering the general data of the breeding pair- to link the animals to it . You can find that explanation here: https://www.zooeasy.com/support/how-do-i-add-a-breeding-pair/