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Funniest Easter movies with animals

Date: March 21, 2016

It’s almost Easter. ZooEasy has found these funny animal videos to get you in the right mood.

Zoo hides easter eggs

In Houston Zoo, United States, they hide easter eggs with insects for their mangoose. This appeals to the natural behavior of these animals. The mangoose are challenged to find their food and break open the big plastic eggs. Their reward sure is a a special treat…

Kitten with rabbit ears

What to do with a curious little kitten? You just create a beautiful little playground in your own home, where your cat can discover everything new, such as easter eggs, a plushie and a big basket with ribbons.


Rabbit enjoys relaxing bath

When the Easter Bunny has finished hiding all the eggs, there is just one thing left to do: to enjoy this very relaxing bath!

Team ZooEasy wishes you happy Easter!