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Update Mean kinship module

Update Mean kinship module

Date: April 2, 2020

In previous reports we announced that we are working on a Mean kinship module. With the module Mean kinship you can calculate the relationship of breeding animals with the population. A low relationship of breeding stock to the population is the most effective method of keeping inbreeding in a breed as low as possible. By calculating the mean kinship it becomes clear how an individual animal relates to the population. The more complete the population, the more reliable this can be determined

Test phase

At the moment we are still in the test phase. Employees perform the tests at Wageningen University. We wanted to have our calculations tested externally using the calculation method of Wageningen University to ensure that the calculations will also be correct. Once the tests are completed, 1 organization will put it into production. We expect this to happen in July at the latest. The test phase with the organization will take at least 3 months.

When will the module become available?

If the tests with the production data go well, we will inform all our users. We expect to introduce the module at the end of 2020. We will keep you informed via the newsletter by the time we introduce the module. Here we answer your questions, for example what the costs of the module are.