As an animal management program, ZooEasy is suitable for all animal species; from Alpaca to Zebra Finch and everything in between! ZooEasy can be used by individual breeders as well as studbook and breed associations. ZooEasy is also very suitable for the animal administration of equine studbooks.
To show what ZooEasy can do for horse studbooks, we have entered into a partnership with the KGPS. KGPS stands for Klassiek Gelderlander Paarden Stamboek; or Classic Gelderlander Horse Studbook. This studbook association is dedicated to the preservation of the Classic Gelderlander horse. The KGPS describes the Gelderlander horse as a horse bred for centuries for agriculture, passenger- and freight transportation, and the military. It is an all-round horse with good health and, above all, a well-behaved and reliable character. Traditionally, the Gelderlander was highly sought after and loved for use in the military, among other things. To maintain and improve the breed, the Geldersch Paarden Stamboek was founded in 1890. To preserve the original type of the Gelderlander, a bloodline requirement was introduced in 1964. The KGPS is the continuation of that breeding policy.
The KGPS was looking for an animal management and administration system that fit their needs well. In the past, unfortunately, they have not been able to find exactly what they needed in that area. Now, together with ZooEasy, they are embarking on the adventure of setting up a database in such a way that it exactly matches the needs of the KGPS. The end result of this collaboration should be that the KGPS can manage its entire process of foal registration, pedigrees, passport issuance, etc. with ZooEasy.
For this project, we will first start by researching and gathering information in order to set up the ZooEasy database for the KGPS in the optimal way. We will also process the information for documents to be printed from ZooEasy such as pedigrees and passports. Once all the information is supplied, we design the appropriate reports. This makes printing out a pedigree or passport a lot easier.
With the ZooEasy database, KGPS will not only be able to quickly and easily issue pedigrees and passports, but also keep track of all pedigree data and any other results. The reports of a stallion or mare and foal inspection, all offspring of parent animals, the inbreeding percentage and also the percentage of Classic blood and Hackney blood in the pedigree can all be recorded and calculated.
We look forward to this new project, and we look forward to working with the KGPS!