1. Click the menu Reports 2. Click the tab Relationship percentage matrix 3. Click the upper button […] In a pop-up window a list of all male animals is shown. 4. Select the male animals you want to include in the matrix. This can be done in several ways: One by one: a. Select a […]
1. Click the menu Reports 2. Click the tab Export in case it isn’t the active one 3. Select Export animals (Population analysis) If there are spaces in the registration numbers, you will receive a notification. You can ignore this notification. PopRep does not accept spaces in registration numbers. Therefore, in this case, they will […]
1. Click the menu Reports 2. Click the tab Reports It is possible to add extra information to the pedigree: * A title * A picture, for instance the logo of your business * Extra fields of the animal for which you print the pedigree * Extra fields of the ancestors In this example the […]
We have created a manual explaining how to design report templates. In addition, we have developed a number of templates you can use and adjust to your needs.