Since making the Mean kinship module available in late 2020, several organizations have started using the module. However, only organizations with 1 breed group could use the module. We now have a solution for organizations with multiple breed groups.
How does it work?
Each breed group calculation is carried out in a separate ZooEasy administration. The calculations can then be made available in the main ZooEasy administration for the respective breed group. The solution also works in case the breed groups are crossed and animals occur in more than one breed group.
What is required?
In order to work with this solution, you need the following (example with 3 breed groups)
What are the investments and annual costs?
The investments consist of:
The annual costs consist of:
What does this mean for the administrator?
The following tasks will be added for an administrator:
How can you order this?
We can make you an offer without engagement to show you the total costs, please contact us for this.