The newest organization sponsored by ZooEasy is Jordforbindelsen. An initiative that, among other things, rescues an endangered species. Reason enough for ZooEasy to support this organization with our software.
Jordforbindelsen falls under, so-called, “Green care”. Green care is a collection of different activities promoting physical and mental health through contact with nature. It uses farms, gardens and other country estates as a therapeutic intervention. For example, work is done on the farm and therapy is done with the help of animals.
Founder Carsten Hjerresen explains why they started this initiative: “Green Care is a renowned alternative within the healthcare system of many European countries, but not yet in Denmark. That is why we have set up the voluntary organization Jordforbindelsen. ” The name fits well with what the organization does. “On a 155-year-old traditional Danish farm, we help vulnerable adults to get their lives under control with animal assisted therapy.” With this they want to show the effect of Green care in Denmark.
And that’s not all, because the animals Jordforbindelsen is working with are traditional Danish cattle, today registered as an endangered species. These animals play a therapeutic role for humans and, in addition, the endangered species are saved from extinction.
Hjerresen explains which animals they use during therapy sessions: “For example, Jysk / Jutland cattle. This is one of the three very old original herd lines, the Westergaard line, and it was more or less lost 15 years ago. A few animals from this line eventually ended up in the Netherlands. Since we are geographically very close to where Westergaard’s farm was, we are focusing on restoring this line.”
Other animals that Jordforbindselen has:
ZooEasy mainly helps the organization to prevent inbreeding, Carsten Hjerresen explains: “The available pedigrees of the cattle are limited to one or two generations and it is a lot of work to prevent inbreeding. We are very happy that we can use the ZooEasy solution to arrange this. ”
ZooEasy software makes your pedigrees quickly insightful and calculates inbreeding percentages in no time.