The search works in the same manner all throughout the program. This means that as a user you can always: – Search for one or multiple fields – Use wildcards like * As an example we will search within the menu Animals: 1. Click the menu Animals 2. By default the cursor is in the […]
1. Click the menu Animals 2. Click on the animal you want to see the pedigree of 3. Click on Pedigree
1. Click the menu Animals 2. Select the animal you want to add an attachment to 3. Click the tab Attacjments 4. Click the button Choose file Allowed file types are: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, gif, jpg, jpeg, bmp, tif, txt an pdf. If you try a different file type you will get […]
1. Click the menu Contacts 2. Choose the contact you want to add an attachment to 3. Click the tab Attachments 4. Click the button Choose file Allowed file types are: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, gif, jpg, jpeg, bmp, tif, txt an pdf. If you try a different file type you will get […]
1. Click the menu Breeding pairs 2. Click Trial Breeding pair Since only one set of parents have been added we will choose a fictive combination of mother and son. 3. Click the button […] next to male and select 0003 as father 4. Repeat this for the female with registration number 0002 5. If […]
There are different places in ZooEasy where you can find the link to E-mail the administrator. For example on the detail screen of an animal, breeding pair or contact. In this screen we will contact the administrator about the details of a contact: 1. Click the menu Contacts 2. Choose a contact 3. Click E-mail […]