1. Click the menu Management 2. Cick the tab Base tables 3. Click the drop down box showing Contact categories and select Roles 4. Choose the role you want to allow this for 5. Click the tab Animals 6. Click the sub-tab Remarks 7.1 Select the check mark for Display tab Remarks on the sub-sub-tab […]
Importing a file with 1 or more pedigrees goes as follows: 1. Search for the desired file pedigree_ <registration number> .zoo (pedigree of a single animal) or pedigree.zoo (multiple pedigrees in 1 file) on your PC 2. Drag and drop the file into the ZooEasy window The tab Import files becomes active and also the […]
Exporting the pedigree of one animal can be done as follows: 1. Click the menu Animals 2. Select an animal from the list 3. Click Pedigree 4. Click the icon Export Pedigree (most left of the three above Great grandparents) A .zoo file is created which can be opened via the browser. This file contains […]
Mean kinship is the average relationship of an animal with the entire population. The mean kinship is a reference value for what an animal can contribute to the inbreeding in the future of the breed. Animals with a low mean kinship are genetically important and are advised to use them for breeding to keep inbreeding […]
1. Click the menu Animals 2. Select an animal 3. Click the tab Status color 4. To assign a status color: Click the option Custom or to remove a status color: Click the option Default 5. If you have chosen the option Custom, you can specify the desired status color in different ways: a. by […]
This is only possible to add missing ancestors to an animal that is already included in the database. To begin, we open the animal’s pedigree. 1. Click the menu Animals 2. Select, or search for, the desired animal from the list 3. Click on Pedigree Now the pedigree of the animal is shown and on […]