At ZooEasy we are always working on improvements. In September we will release our newest version 2.5.25! Not only is our online software regularly adapted to the wishes of our customers, but also our modules are continuously updated.
ZooEasy never stands still
Thanks to the input of our users and the continuous testing processes of our software testers, we can develop ourselves even more. Whether it concerns user-friendliness or modernization, ZooEasy never stands still! Take for instance our Mean Kinship module, which is used by many satisfied users to minimize the increase in inbreeding of animals within the population.
Mean kinship (MK) is the average relationship of an animal with the entire population. The mean kinship is a benchmark for how much an animal can contribute to the inbreeding in the future of the breed. Animals with a low mean kinship are genetically important and are interesting to use for breeding. Animals with a higher mean kinship have already left their DNA-print in the population.
In September two extra features will become available within the release v.2.5.25;
The following improvements are currently in development and will be available soon:
Also interested in a module that can calculate the mean kinship of an animal within the population, and thus reduce the chance of the occurrence of genetic defects and diseases within a breed? Schedule an obligation-free demo for your association or contact us for more information.