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Frequently asked questions regarding the switch to ZooEasy Online

Frequently asked questions regarding the switch to ZooEasy Online

Date: September 9, 2020

Many ZooEasy Stand-alone users experience difficulty when switching to ZooEasy Online. And that is understandable! ZooEasy Online is a different product and works differently in many ways, so it takes time to get used to it. We found that, due to this, many users have the same questions. Some of these questions were already resolved or answered, yet part of them are yet to be developed as an improvement. We work hard to implement the desired improvements, so as to have more functionalities becoming available, making ZooEasy Online even more user-friendly.

In order to simplify the switch, in this article we have listed the frequently asked questions we received, for you.

1. How can I see only the animals that I own

This is by far the most often asked question. Before we explain how to solve this, we provide a little background information: in the Stand-alone version we used to work with a field ‘In possession’. When that was ticked, an animal was always shown in the list of animals, regardless whether you were the owner. In the Online version this works differently, we no longer look at the field ‘In possession’, but we look at the owner of an animal. If you are still the owner of animals that are not ‘in possession’, these animals will still be shown in the list. To resolve this in a structural way, we require 2 steps. First, it is important to take this step, see explanation.

Afterwards, you can delete all data of you as the owner, in deceased animals, at once. You can do this via the menu Management, tab Settings, subtab Animal settings, button Update deceased animals.

When all these actions have taken place and you log out and log in again, only the animals in possession will be displayed. In the version 2.5.15 that will be issued late September, you no longer need to delete yourself as owner of deceased animals. We will inform you as soon as this functionality becomes available.

2. How can I delete an animal more easily?

You can delete an animal if it was entered incorrectly. In the current Online version, this is rather laborious due to different checks that are performed. So we have made it easier and resolved this in version 2.5.15 that will be available late September. With 1 push of the button and confirmation of the action, an animal can be deleted.

3. How can I show more animals in lists, on my screen?

Normally, the list of animals shows only 15 rows. If you want to see more rows, you can adjust this yourself, see explanation.

The advantage is that you do not need to change pages as often, but can simply scroll to see more rows. This setting will also be applied to other lists.

4. How can I change the column settings in the list of animals?

If you wish to change the column settings in the list of animals, you should act as follows, see explanation.

Using the instructions, you can change the column order, make columns wider or narrower, delete or add columns, among others. Sorting by column data can be done by placing the cursor on a column title. “Data ↓” will appear. If you click on the column now, it will be sorted alphabetically. Clicking again will result in reverse alphabetical sorting.

5. How can I hide fields that I am not using?

If there are fields that you do not use, you can hide them: see explanation.

This is quite convenient if you do not make use of fields displayed by the Online version. Making invisible is not possible for mandatory fields (can be recognized by the marking *).

6. How can I search by multiple fields?

The Online version offers an extensive search function to retrieve data, see explanation.

This can be used, for example, to search male animals of a certain breed, or you can expand the search function with animals that were born after a specific date. The search function offers many possibilities and is more extensive than the one in the Stand-alone version.

7. How can I select my current breeding pairs?

Normally, all breeding pairs (also known as nests or pairs) are displayed if you select the menu Breeding pairs. In the Stand-alone version you could display current breeding pairs only, using the button ‘Current’. Quite convenient to make a distinction between seasons or years. This can also be adjusted in the Online version, see explanation.

The breeding pairs in which you, yourself, are the owner of the male or female animals is now displayed. We are aware that this will not suffice yet for bird breeders, for example. That is why we are working on further improvement of this element. A tip pertaining to this, is that you can sort by the column Breeding pair date (a.k.a. mating date or insemination date), ensuring that always the most recent breeding pair is on top.

8. How can I quickly add animals from a pedigree?

In the Stand-alone version you could quickly add animals from the pedigree. The Online version now has the same functionality. We prepared a short explanation for this, see explanation.

9. How can I generate a registration number if this is as yet unknown?

In the Stand-alone version you could generate a registration number. Convenient if you wanted to add the animal while the number was not yet assigned. The Online version also offers this possibility. You can set it as follows, see explanation.

10. Why are tabs shown of all breeds, even the ones I do not own anymore

In the Stand-alone version only the tabs were shown of breeds that appeared in the list of animals and breeding pairs. The Online version displays all breeds that were entered into the database, including those of animals and breeding pairs that do not appear on the list. We scheduled this wish and it will be possible by December 2020 at the latest.

In addition, we have gathered all videos and answers for you, that involve the switch to ZooEasy Online. These can be found on our website, refer to our support page.